RPGigio Wiki

Personaggio di Mose. Appare in Cicli di Emeria .

Character Design[]

Professione: pappone

Zeus ed Apollo, ma soprattutto Zeus

Futuro (in Ritorno ad Emeria)


DeviantArt Description[]

Human Cleric

A worshiper of both Apollo and Zeus and part-time pimp. According to him the prostitutes under
 his wing are safe from the really bad guys out there in the streets. Although this claim is often 
met with disapproving shrugs none of his ladies have ever complained about their condition...
For being a cleric he is quite informal when it comes to speaking with the gods (but then again, 
so is Zeus with him). Etienne is the second son of a rich nobleman and is very proud of his incredibly 
elaborate battle plans and tactics.
Instaurò una splendida e duratura amicizia con il mezzelfo Jace, il ladro, tanto che spesso si salvarono 
la vita a vicenda. Ancora oggi, dopo 50 anni da quegli avvenimenti, infatti Jace fa visita al quartiere
"rosso", in ricordo dell'amico, dove si erge a imperitura memoria l'avatar di Etienne in cui visse gli 
ultimi anni della sua vita (essendo il suo corpo distrutto).
Played by my friend Mose.